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We are planning a big 2023!

We are continuing our beach cleanup initiative, launching our tree planting initiative and supporting indigenous activism! Mark your calendars today!


Spring Tree Planting

In partnership with McMaster University

April 22 2023
Hamilton, ON

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Spring Mushroom Workshop

Date TBD
Hamilton, ON

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Spring Beach Cleanup

In partnership with the City of Hamilton

May 21 2023
Hamilton, ON

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Fall Tree Planting

Date TBD
Hamilton, ON

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Nourish Toronto Initiative

Nourish Toronto Initiative

For our second annual homeless initiative, we continue to serve our displaced brothers and sisters by providing resources for these gifted people, many of whom are living a difficult situation. We will once again be hosting a winter preparation drive, where we are collecting blankets, outerwear, clothing and toiletries that we are offering in our ‘free marketplace’. We also provide reusable bags and a ‘used clothing dropoff’ so soiled nothing can be properly disposed of. We are planning on expanding our services this year to include a veterinarian station and a nurse practitioner, as well as a barber.

Once more, we are offering 200 hot and fresh vegan meals created by a talented chef with produce donated by local farmers. The event begins with an indigenous land blessing and meditation, with healers offering smudges throughout the day.

This initiatives goal is to empower and heal our displaced communities by providing a safe space to experience joy and abundance. We honour our brothers and sisters though these acts because we are ONE, and creating that bridge which demystifies the gap between our various communities helps to support the growth of every individual in attendance.

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ReLeaf Tree Planting Initiative

ReLeaf Tree Planting Initiative

During this event, we plant native trees and shrubs to combat climate change and crate greenspace in the city. To begin, an arborist guides the group in a talk about the impact of trees in the specific environment and provides knowledge about the complex ecosystems surrounding us and how we can support them. Afterwards, the we form a circle around the saplings and are led on a guided meditation and indigenous wisdom teaching. We will learn of the importance of these magnificent plants through ancient insight. Afterwards we collectively plant each of the trees.

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Hamilton Waterfront Cleanup Initiative

Hamilton Waterfront Cleanup Initiative

Hamilton Waterfront Cleanup Initiative:

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Ascension Foundation, along with a group of volunteers from our various community partners, and all walks of life will work together to clean up a beach in Hamilton Ontario. We will be picking up trash, litter, debris, in-organic waste, and recyclables; sorting it, and properly disposing of it. On this epic day, we gather our community partners as we take care of Lake Ontario, which along with the other four Great Lakes holds 21% of Earth’s surface fresh water. 

The event emulates the timeline from our inaugural Beach Cleanup, held in the spring of 2019 on Woodbine Beach in Toronto. We begin at mid-day with a representative from the Indigenous community performing a land blessing.  Lake Ontario gets its name from the Huron language word, Ontarí'io, meaning “great lake”. The lake marked a border between the Huron nation and the Iroquois confederacy in Pre-Columbian times. By not just physically caring for our lakeshore, but also formally giving thanks, we make this both a physical and emotional connection that honours our indigenous community. 

Once we have completed the cleanup, we will meet back up for a musical therapy session with meditation to help restore our bodies and minds after this wonderful effort. We as a community have reclaimed a portion of the land for our ecological stability and community enjoyment. 

We will finish the day with vegan comfort food served in a manner designed to minimize waste. There will also be a water station for reusable containers. We are lucky to partner with zero waste and vegan businesses in the city of Hamilton to manifest a day of abundant positive growth individually and environmentally. 

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